Liferay Migration 6.2 to 7
Liferay Migration
Liferay is no more ANT
Development for Liferay DXP
1st rule of the Migration is Backup!
2nd rule of the Migration is Backup!
3rd rule of the Migration is Backup!
Migrating Liferay 6.2 to 7.1
1.create dump for the mysql repositories
create a new database in the mysql
2.navigate to the dump folder
mysql -u root -p < /home/fiera-mm/Downloads/localhost_Db_lportal_20180116_11-15.sql
In the sql dump file add a line
use Db_lportal_dxp;
3.Tables are created in the mysql
4.Now download the liferay 7.0 tomcat server
5.Unpack Liferay archive
DataBase Migration
Upgrade Client
Upgrade Client - Configuration
Located in <LIFERAY_HOME>/tools/portal-tools-db-upgrade-client
In the portal-tools-db-upgrade-client there are points to a Liferay DXP installation points to the database to be upgraded points to LIFERAY_HOME
In the <LIFERAY_HOME>/osgi/configs
open the text file as
How to run the Upgrade client
Navigate to the client in the terminal
java -jar
In Mysql table_Release the version changes to 7.1
Theme Migration
supports only free maker ftl
Make sure that node > 4
In-home directory .npmrc prefix=/Users/fiera-mm/.npm-packages
Installation Steps
Install node js
install yeoman and gulp npm install -g yo gulp
install npm install generator-liferay: theme
install npm install liferay-theme-tasks
install npm install -g sass or sudo apt install ruby-sass
install npm i -g generator-liferay:theme
Converting theme
blade convert Theme name
Install JPM
java -jar -u init
Installing Blade cli
jpm install -f
you can manually rename the css
$ rename 's/\.css$/.scss/' *
Importing Themes
/home/fiera-mm/Fiera/MatchMaking/themes/fiera-backoffice-theme/binServer dir and localhost path
Using these tasks we can update the themes
install npm install liferay-theme-tasks
Gulp upgrade
fiera-mm@user-All-Series:~/Fiera/MatchMaking/themes/fiera-be-backoffice-theme$ sudo gulp upgrade
[10:19:50] Using gulpfile ~/Fiera/MatchMaking/themes/fiera-be-backoffice-theme/gulpfile.js
[10:19:50] Starting 'upgrade'...
[10:19:50] Starting 'upgrade:create-backup-files'...
? Would you like to overwrite the existing _backup directory and it's contents? Yes
[10:19:52] Finished 'upgrade:create-backup-files' after 2.34 s
[10:19:52] Starting 'upgrade:black-list'...
[10:19:52] Finished 'upgrade:black-list' after 36 ms
[10:19:52] Starting 'upgrade:replace-compass'...
[10:19:53] Finished 'upgrade:replace-compass' after 80 ms
[10:19:53] Starting 'upgrade:convert-bootstrap'...
Wrote file: src/css/_aui_variables.scss
Wrote file: src/css/_liferay_custom.scss
Wrote file: src/css/_pf_variables.scss
Wrote file: src/css/application.css
Wrote file: src/css/aui.css
Wrote file: src/css/custom_common.css
Wrote file: src/css/custom_responsive.css
Wrote file: src/css/custom.css
Wrote file: src/css/dockbar.css
Wrote file: src/css/extras.css
Wrote file: src/css/navigation.css
Wrote file: src/css/pf_portlets.css
[10:19:53] Finished 'upgrade:convert-bootstrap' after 354 ms
[10:19:53] Starting 'upgrade:config'...
[10:19:53] Finished 'upgrade:config' after 2.71 ms
[10:19:53] Starting 'upgrade:rename-core-files'...
[?] Do you want to rename application.css to _application.scss? Yes
[?] Do you want to rename aui.css to aui.scss? Yes
[?] Do you want to rename base.css to _base.scss? Yes
[?] Do you want to rename custom.css to _custom.scss? Yes
[?] Do you want to rename dockbar.css to _dockbar.scss? Yes
[?] Do you want to rename extras.css to _extras.scss? Yes
[?] Do you want to rename layout.css to _layout.scss? Yes
[?] Do you want to rename main.css to main.scss? Yes
[?] Do you want to rename navigation.css to _navigation.scss? Yes
[?] Do you want to rename portlet.css to _portlet.scss? Yes
[10:20:00] Finished 'upgrade:rename-core-files' after 6.72 s
[10:20:00] Starting 'upgrade:create-css-diff'...
[10:20:00] Finished 'upgrade:create-css-diff' after 121 ms
[10:20:00] Starting 'upgrade:dependencies'...
npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@^1.2.2 (node_modules/chokidar/node_modules/fsevents):
npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for fsevents@1.2.7: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"linux","arch":"x64"})
npm WARN fiera-be-backoffice-theme@1.0.0 No description
npm WARN fiera-be-backoffice-theme@1.0.0 No repository field.
npm WARN fiera-be-backoffice-theme@1.0.0 No license field.
[10:20:04] Finished 'upgrade:dependencies' after 4.17 s
[10:20:04] Starting 'upgrade:create-deprecated-mixins'...
[10:20:04] Finished 'upgrade:create-deprecated-mixins' after 5.24 ms
[10:20:04] Starting 'upgrade:ftl-templates'...
[10:20:04] Finished 'upgrade:ftl-templates' after 6.92 ms
[10:20:04] Starting 'upgrade:vm-templates'...
[10:20:04] Finished 'upgrade:vm-templates' after 1.51 ms
[10:20:04] Starting 'upgrade:log-changes'...
Bootstrap Upgrade (2 to 3)
| Because Liferay Portal 7.0 uses Bootstrap 3, the default box model has been changed to box-sizing: border-box. So if you were using width or height, and padding together on an element, you may need to make changes, or those elements may have unexpected sizes.
File: src/css/_aui_custom.scss
No errors
File: src/css/_aui_variables.scss
Line 2: "$white" has been removed
Line 8: "$baseBorderRadius" has changed to "$border-radius-base"
Line 12: "$btnBackground" has changed to "$btn-default-bg"
Line 13: "$btnBackgroundHighlight" has been removed
Line 14: "$btnBorder" has changed to "$btn-default-border"
Line 15: "$btnDangerBackground" has changed to "$btn-danger-bg"
Line 16: "$btnDangerBackgroundHighlight" has been removed
Line 18: "$btnInfoBackgroundHighlight" has been removed
Line 18: "$btnInfoBackground" has changed to "$btn-info-bg"
Line 20: "$btnPrimaryBackground" has changed to "$btn-primary-bg"
Line 21: "$btnPrimaryBackgroundHighlight" has been removed
Line 24: "$btnSuccessBackground" has changed to "$btn-success-bg"
Line 25: "$btnSuccessBackgroundHighlight" has been removed
Line 26: "$btnWarningBackground" has changed to "$btn-warning-bg"
Line 27: "$btnWarningBackgroundHighlight" has been removed
Line 29: "$dropdownLinkBackgroundActive" has changed to "$dropdown-link-active-bg"
Line 30: "$dropdownLinkBackgroundHover" has changed to "$dropdown-link-hover-bg"
Line 31: "$dropdownLinkColorActive" has changed to "$dropdown-link-active-color"
Line 31: "$white" has been removed
Line 34: "$navbarBackgroundHighlight" has been removed
Line 35: "$navbarBorder" has changed to "$navbar-default-border"
Line 36: "$navbarBackground" has changed to "$navbar-default-bg"
Line 36: "$navbarLinkBackgroundActive" has changed to "$navbar-default-link-active-bg"
Line 38: "$linkColorHover" has changed to "$link-hover-color"
Line 38: "$navbarLinkColorHover" has changed to "$navbar-default-link-hover-color"
Line 39: "$navbarLinkColor" has changed to "$navbar-default-link-color"
Line 39: "$navbarText" has changed to "$navbar-default-color"
Line 41: "$errorBackground" has changed to "$error-bg"
Line 45: "$infoBackground" has changed to "$info-bg"
Line 47: "$successBackground" has changed to "$success-bg"
Line 50: "$warningBackground" has changed to "$warning-bg"
File: src/css/_font_gandhi.scss
No errors
File: src/css/_liferay_custom.scss
Line 21: "alert-error" has changed to "alert-danger"
File: src/css/_pf_variables.scss
Line 54: "$white" has been removed
Line 58: "$red" has been removed
File: src/css/application.css
Line 122: Padding no longer affects width or height, you may need to change your rule (lines 122-126)
Line 480: Padding no longer affects width or height, you may need to change your rule (lines 480-489)
Line 599: "btn" has changed to "btn btn-default"
File: src/css/aui.css
Line 10: "$iconSpritePath" has been removed
Line 11: "$iconWhiteSpritePath" has been removed
Line 24: "$bodyBackground" has changed to "$body-bg"
Line 26: "$baseFontFamily" has changed to "$font-family-base"
Line 27: "$baseFontSize" has changed to "$font-size-base"
Line 28: "$baseLineHeight" has changed to "$line-height-base"
File: src/css/base.css
No errors
File: src/css/custom_common.css
Line 77: "$white" has been removed
Line 87: "$tableBorder" has changed to "$table-border-color"
Line 148: "control-group" has changed to "form-group"
Line 153: "btn" has changed to "btn btn-default"
Line 157: "btn" has changed to "btn btn-default"
Line 161: "btn" has changed to "btn btn-default"
Line 169: Padding no longer affects width or height, you may need to change your rule (lines 169-174)
Line 178: "control-group" has changed to "form-group"
Line 183: "input-append" has changed to "input-group"
Line 293: "btn" has changed to "btn btn-default"
Line 293: "btn-navbar" has changed to "navbar-btn"
Line 419: "btn" has changed to "btn btn-default"
Line 424: "btn" has changed to "btn btn-default"
Line 424: "btn-navbar" has changed to "navbar-btn"
Line 428: "btn-navbar" has changed to "navbar-btn"
Line 428: "btn" has changed to "btn btn-default"
Line 441: Padding no longer affects width or height, you may need to change your rule (lines 441-449)
Line 550: Padding no longer affects width or height, you may need to change your rule (lines 550-569)
Line 602: "accordion-group" has changed to "panel.panel-default"
Line 602: "accordion" has changed to "panel-group"
Line 603: "accordion-heading" has changed to "panel-heading"
Line 603: "accordion" has changed to "panel-group"
Line 625: "accordion-group" has changed to "panel.panel-default"
Line 625: "accordion" has changed to "panel-group"
Line 628: "accordion-heading" has changed to "panel-heading"
Line 628: "accordion" has changed to "panel-group"
Line 632: "accordion" has changed to "panel-group"
Line 641: "accordion" has changed to "panel-group"
Line 651: "accordion" has changed to "panel-group"
Line 660: "accordion" has changed to "panel-group"
Line 668: "accordion" has changed to "panel-group"
Line 668: "accordion-inner" has changed to "panel-body"
Line 676: "accordion-heading" has changed to "panel-heading"
Line 676: "accordion" has changed to "panel-group"
Line 680: "accordion" has changed to "panel-group"
Line 681: "$white" has been removed
Line 694: "accordion-heading" has changed to "panel-heading"
Line 694: "accordion" has changed to "panel-group"
Line 715: "accordion-heading" has changed to "panel-heading"
Line 715: "accordion" has changed to "panel-group"
Line 715: "accordion-group" has changed to "panel.panel-default"
Line 731: "accordion" has changed to "panel-group"
Line 736: "accordion-group" has changed to "panel.panel-default"
Line 736: "accordion" has changed to "panel-group"
Line 740: "accordion" has changed to "panel-group"
Line 740: "accordion-heading" has changed to "panel-heading"
Line 743: "accordion" has changed to "panel-group"
Line 750: "accordion-inner" has changed to "panel-body"
Line 750: "accordion" has changed to "panel-group"
Line 764: "accordion" has changed to "panel-group"
Line 772: "accordion" has changed to "panel-group"
Line 781: "accordion" has changed to "panel-group"
Line 910: "btn" has changed to "btn btn-default"
Line 919: "btn" has changed to "btn btn-default"
Line 937: "btn" has changed to "btn btn-default"
Line 947: "input-append" has changed to "input-group"
Line 962: "input-prepend" has changed to "input-group"
File: src/css/custom_responsive.css
Line 10: Padding no longer affects width or height, you may need to change your rule (lines 10-14)
Line 55: "btn" has changed to "btn btn-default"
Line 71: "nav-collapse" has changed to "navbar-collapse"
Line 102: "btn-navbar" has changed to "navbar-btn"
Line 102: "btn" has changed to "btn btn-default"
Line 191: "nav-collapse" has changed to "navbar-collapse"
File: src/css/custom.css
Line 124: "$white" has been removed
Line 127: "$white" has been removed
Line 161: "$red" has been removed
Line 313: "btn" has changed to "btn btn-default"
Line 320: "btn" has changed to "btn btn-default"
Line 412: "brand" has changed to "navbar-brand"
Line 436: "$white" has been removed
Line 458: "$white" has been removed
Line 475: "$white" has been removed
Line 577: "control-group" has changed to "form-group"
Line 614: "row-fluid" has changed to "row"
Line 853: "btn" has changed to "btn btn-default"
File: src/css/dockbar.css
Line 37: "btn" has changed to "btn btn-default"
Line 88: "brand" has changed to "navbar-brand"
Line 193: Padding no longer affects width or height, you may need to change your rule (lines 193-344)
Line 364: "btn" has changed to "btn btn-default"
Line 377: "btn" has changed to "btn btn-default"
Line 499: "btn" has changed to "btn btn-default"
Line 532: Padding no longer affects width or height, you may need to change your rule (lines 532-537)
Line 662: Padding no longer affects width or height, you may need to change your rule (lines 662-725)
File: src/css/extras.css
Line 78: "btn-navbar" has changed to "navbar-btn"
Line 78: "btn" has changed to "btn btn-default"
File: src/css/font-awesome.css
No errors
File: src/css/ie8-xtra.css
No errors
File: src/css/layout.css
No errors
File: src/css/main.css
No errors
File: src/css/navigation.css
Line 23: Padding no longer affects width or height, you may need to change your rule (lines 23-45)
Line 29: You would change height from "10px" to "16px"
Line 108: Padding no longer affects width or height, you may need to change your rule (lines 108-134)
Line 115: Padding no longer affects width or height, you may need to change your rule (lines 115-132)
Line 190: Padding no longer affects width or height, you may need to change your rule (lines 190-196)
Line 195: You would change width from "16px" to "22px"
File: src/css/pager.css
No errors
File: src/css/pf_portlets.css
Line 31: Padding no longer affects width or height, you may need to change your rule (lines 31-32)
Line 35: Padding no longer affects width or height, you may need to change your rule (lines 35-44)
Line 133: Padding no longer affects width or height, you may need to change your rule (lines 133-153)
Line 149: "btn" has changed to "btn btn-default"
Line 157: Padding no longer affects width or height, you may need to change your rule (lines 157-168)
Line 159: You would change height from "30px" to "34px"
Line 174: "accordion" has changed to "panel-group"
Line 174: "accordion-heading" has changed to "panel-heading"
Line 174: "accordion-group" has changed to "panel.panel-default"
Line 178: "accordion" has changed to "panel-group"
Line 178: "accordion-inner" has changed to "panel-body"
File: src/css/portlet.css
Line 644: Padding no longer affects width or height, you may need to change your rule (lines 644-657)
Line 650: You would change height from "15px" to "25px"
File: src/css/tabs.css
No errors
File: src/css/toastr.min.css
Line 106: Padding no longer affects width or height, you may need to change your rule (lines 106-123)
Line 111: You would change width from "300px" to "365px"
Liferay Upgrade (6.2 to 7)
File: portal_normal.ftl
Warning: <@liferay.dockbar /> is deprecated, replace with <@liferay.control_menu /> for new admin controls.
Warning: not all admin controls will be visible without <@liferay.control_menu />
Warning: ${theme} variable is no longer available in Freemarker templates, see for more information.
[10:20:04] Finished 'upgrade:log-changes' after 457 μs
[10:20:04] Finished 'upgrade' after 14 s
Gulp Deploy
sudo npm i gulp-sass
npm install --save-dev gulp-plumber
Importing Lexicon CSS Structure
Upgrading Language Hooks
create a folder
Gradle init
navigate to the folder
blade samples resource-bundle-override
Planning Plugin Upgrades and Optimizations
Migrating themes
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